Monday, October 7, 2013

Toontooga Needs Your Voice!

Certainly you recognize these characters (from top left): Sgt. Schultz, Trelane, Frau Blücher, Natasha Fatale, Prince Herbert's father, and Dr. Phil

Last year, after revealing my plan to create an animated version of the Samson story, I was approached by several people who wanted to do voices for some of the animated characters. Well . . .

I am introducing my own version of “The VOICE . . . “. I’m calling it “The VOICEover . . .” and I am starting with some blind auditions. So here is what I want you to do: 

1. DOWNLOAD the one-page portion of the Samson script here.
2. LOOK at the images above that I have chosen as possible character types for the different voice parts in the Story Reel. Samson's father and Samson are males (duh), but the soldiers (Philistines) in the script can be either male or female.
3. CHOOSE one or more of the parts from the script that you think you might like to VOICE and match it with one of the photos above to mimic. Or forget photos and come up with your own created voice. Or forget that and just talk like YOU!
4. RECORD your voiceover for that character by clicking the link on the right hand side of this page. If you don't see the link on the side of the page, click here. After you record something you like, you will have the option to email it to me.

It is that EASY! It really is. If you want to re-record because you didn’t like the way it sounded the first time, NO PROBLEM. You can record it over until you get what you like, then click send and I will get it in my email. It’s like a contest for the voices that will be in Samson. You can send me as many different voices for as many different characters that are on that one-page portion of the Samson script - just send them each in a separate email, so I don't get all confused.

If it's a CONTEST, there must be a PRIZE, right? Well, since I have no idea exactly when this animated version of Samson will be finished, I am kind of giving some prizes NOW. What I will do is choose one voice entry for each character that made me laugh the most. That is my judging criteria. I'm listening for voice clips that I want to play over and over, and that make me laugh every time I listen to them. What makes me laugh? Find out? Enter the contest! 

And the prize will be . . .  a VINE POST of that character speaking the line in your voice. Woooooo! Oh YES! YES! YES! The sky opens, heavenly glory pours out and there you are . . . VINED!

If you don’t like the contest part, then I have another option (but you still need to send me your voicover on this page). Here is the deal: You encourage (entice, whatever) 10 people to ‘LIKE’ my toontoogafilms facebook page - Here is a link: - then you are a SHOE-IN. That’s right, you will be posted as a VINE voicing a the character, showing them Hollywood cats what it’s all about, on your way to the silver screen.

Maybe you didn’t hear me. If you:

A. Get 10 people to ‘LIKE’ my page . . . 


B. Win the contest


Your voice will be showcased on VINE as one of the characters from Samson.

The contest will end on October 31, 2013 at 11:59 pm. The Vine posts will be November 28, 2013.


Zitarion said...

Hi Mr. Pickens!
My name is Hunter Fell, I was in the layer with Maddie. I'd love to send in an audition for your new project but between work and theater I'm swamped right now. I'm going to try to get an audition in tomorrow before my dentist appointment, but just wanted to let you know that I'm trying to get one in! My dream is to do this professionally!

Toontooga said...

Thanks Hunter! I noticed that I received so many entries that I reached my limit on speak pipe five hours prior to the deadline. Well, now my limit has been reset, so anyone wanting to add entries, go ahead - I'll allow entries until 11:59 pm on November 1st. That's 24 extra hours - Get to it!

Zitarion said...

I sent some on the 31st, did you receive them? I don't know how to use speak pipe haha!

Toontooga said...

Hi Hunter! Yes, I received them all. Thanks so much.